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How to start your new fitness plan

It's January and everyone has new health, diet, fitness, and fat loss goals. However, many will fall short of beginning to meet those goals simply because they have no idea where to start. Does this sound familiar?

There are numerous ways to begin this new do you know what is the best choice? Allow me to help you with that!

I like simple workouts, the tried and true movements that have stood the test of time. The old adage "if it ain't broke don't fix it" describes this beautifully. Sure I like to challenge my body and try new things but most of these crazy movements you see influencers do will never be the crux of my workouts.

So to get down to it, if you use the bathroom - do squats. if you reach high into cabinets - do overhead presses. If you push objects around like the couch to clean - do chest/bench presses. If you bend over to pick up things - do deadlifts. If you squat down to pick up heavy things - do deadlifts. Throw in some twisting movements like a Russian twist or lawnmowers and your good to go! You can also add in more goal-specific movements to really get a good impact. It really is that simple. You can read more about functional movements in this blog post. To view the examples I listed above click here.

However, even with a new exercise plan in place, even a solid one, you may not hit those fat loss goals. I want you to think of exercise as the work that sculpts your body. It's the food you eat and being in a calorie deficit that will help you reach your fat loss goals. You can read more about that here and here. As always, if you have any questions let me know!

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Sherwood, AR, USA

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