We all have goals and desires when it comes to our physique. Most likely you desire to look like a certain person or celebrity. These goals are ok to have but it is unlikely they will keep you pushing on when you just aren't feeling "it". You have to dig deeper for your "why".
It is so easy to lose sight of looking a certain way. You slowly start to pick those poor habits back up, you gain a fck-it mentality...you know how it goes. We all go through it, it's a cycle that is almost never-ending.
This is the reason your "why" has to be so much deeper than just aesthetics. To help you understand I'll share with you my story, my "why". I grew up with fitness at my house. My father used to spend hours in our basement working out. Once I was 15 I adopted that lifestyle as well. Of course, once children and a significant other came into the picture it was easy to slowly shy away from that life and conform to the typical American way. Still, over the years, I would get motivated again and workout for a few months only to drop it once again. See just wanting to have that "perfect" physique we are sold on TV is not enough.
It wasn't until I watched my grandmother deteriorate from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, and kidney failure that I truly gained my "why". In her last years on this earth, she suffered. It was hard to watch because I loved her dearly but even harder because I knew she didn't have to suffer. If she had only tried harder to exercise, control her diabetes numbers, be a little less hardheaded with the doctor's orders her life would have been so different.
And that is my "why". To never live life in pain, to never let diabetes be a diagnosis, to never let my children watch me suffer. Your "why" will take some soul searching to find. However, once you have it, you'll end the yo-yo cycle that we all find ourselves caught in. As always, if you need any help, in any part of your fitness journey, let me know!