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Stopping the Dieting Mindset

To listen to the vlog version of this post visit my IGTV @morena_fit!

Most everyone who follows me knows I'm not a fan of diets or meal plans. Diets are great when they work but for most people they don't. Meal plans do not teach you how to live outside of the plan or when the plan doesn't work for your particular situation. So if diets and meal plans are not the way what else is there?

Well you may not want to hear this but...calorie counting is one of the best ways to ensure you stay within your ideal calorie intake and keep those pounds off. "Calories count even if you're not counting calories" Dr. Layne Norton.

It really is simple, much more so than what Herbalife and Bootea and all the other garbage quick-fix companies would have you believe. In fact, it's so simple that there are only two numbers that really matter.

  1. your total calorie intake for the day

  2. your total protein intake for the day

Fats and carbohydrates are interchangeable. Let's say your target calorie intake number is 1,500. You'll want to calculate your ideal protein intake according to your specific goals. Then make sure you hit that number each day, has good calculators. What's left can be divide between your fats and carbohydrates. So if you happen to eat more fats for the day you'll want to eat less carbohydrates and vise versa. Pretty simple right? That's because it is. The main goal for fat loss is to remain in a calorie deficit.

There's a caveat though. To get the most out of your fat loss you'll want to consume primarily high quality foods. Sure you can lose fat with lesser quality food like fast food. However, you may find your self feeling hungry. Instead shoot for lean meats, veggies and wholesome carbohydrates. You'll actually be able to eat more that way. Of course leave room for treats!

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Sherwood, AR, USA

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