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You Can't Out-train a Poor Diet

I know you've heard this before but for some reason, people still believe they can just hit the gym extra hard after a bad meal, or series of bad meals. First of all, if you had a bad meal or even a few bad meals I want you to get over it! Life's too short, get on with the plan and get back to focusing on your goals. We ALL slip up, we are human after all!

To help put things into perspective I want to break down a few numbers for you.

The average burger or chicken meal at any fast food joint will cost you around 1,000 calories, and that is with a diet drink (diet drinks are ok btw!) Most burgers alone are about 600-700 calories, add in those delicious fries and there you go, you've likely hit half of your daily calories or in my case come really close to meeting them.

In order to work off those calories you just enjoyed in about 10 minutes of time, you would have to work out for about two-three hours that day. Here's where it gets really good. If you're like me you probably stopped for that meal because you were short on time. So finding two hours to workout is highly unlikely.

Can you see the issue now? To combat issues like time shortages you should always have a quick go-to meal in the cabinets. Mine is canned soup, I like the Amy's Organics and the Campbell's Yes! brands, no affiliate links lol. They are quick to grab and if I eat the whole can it's usually less than 350 calories. Throw in some left over chicken breast and you've got a pretty good meal. Planning for time shortages, or in general, can make all the difference in your fitness journey. What's your go-to meal when you're short on time or on the go?

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Sherwood, AR, USA

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