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Gym Etiquette

It’s the new year and undoubtedly the gym is filled with A LOT of new people. You may even be one of them. So now is a really good time to have a conversation about gym etiquette. Whether you’re a newbie or a long time goer, we all probably have some quirks that irk our fellow gym goers. So let’s dive in, shall we?

  1. Don’t lift in front of the dumbbell rack. I mean seriously, there’s a good chance you’re blocking someone else’s view. I’m not talking about the person trying to take a gym selfie either. Believe it or not, someone is focused on their form and making sure it’s on point. Not to mention, now they have to navigate around you to put up their weights. Which leads us to point 2.

  2. You are putting up your weights aren’t you? Nothing is more frustrating than needing a pair of 30 pound dumbbells but the guy 2 benches over has them laying around on the floor. If you’re not using them right now or for a super set put them back, pleassseeeeee!!!!

  3. Don’t drop or throw your weights. There’s been a few times I have lifted next to THAT guy that grunts and huffs and then throws his dumbbells to the ground. If for nothing else, don’t get your butt whooped by this little 5’3 chica because one came flying at me. Grrrrrr

  4. Wipe down your equipment. I usually care a towel with me to the gym. I hate to be dripping in sweat, it annoys me. What I hate more is working out on someone else’s sweat. Gross! If you don’t bring your own towel your gym probably has some paper towels and sanitizer in various spots.

  5. Don’t stare! Yes, there are some very hot people in the gym. Chances are those same hot people didn’t come for you. Sorry not sorry. :) They are committed, focused and being that guy (or girl) that stares at a female’s (or male’s) a$$ while doing hamstring curls is gross!

  6. Don’t forget hygiene! This can go two ways. Deodorant matters but cologne doesn’t! There’s nothing worse than a funky gym, EXECEPT for a funky gym covered in the scent of your favorite fragrance. Seriously leave it for the dates.

  7. Don’t chat it up in high traffic areas. The gym can be a busy place, especially now. If you’re in the way some one can’t train properly or use the machine you happen to be resting on. Play nice and take your convo to a less utilized area.

  8. Finally, put on a friendly face! I laugh as a say this because I have a resting “B” face that’ll keep most away. I def have to work on this one myself. They gym can be a community of people all motivated towards the same goal, to live a healthier life. Even if someone is so focused they don’t think to smile, like myself, they usually will speak when spoken to. Smile and you just might get one back!

What are your pet peeves at the gym? Share them in the comments below. You just might teach me a few things!

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Sherwood, AR, USA

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