Motivation can be hard to come by when life gets hard. It's funny as I write this my own motivation has been pushed by my recent move and then consequent renovations. Sometimes life just seems to get in the way or priorities shift and suddenly our health is less important.
Motivation can also be tricky because it is very personal. There is no one size fits all strategy. One of the most challenging aspects of teaching others to staying motivated is that what works for one may not work for another.
Motivation can come in many forms but it is important to make sure you have intrinsic motivation as well. I follow several women on Instagram (@qui2health, @followthelita, @girlsgonestrong, & @jess_fit_la to name a few). They motivate me, not only simply because of their dedication to their bodies but by their attitude and confidence as well. However, be careful not to allow these accounts to affect your self-image! Your journey will be as different as your body type.
Another idea is to keep a photo of that dress you want to fit in or a picture of you at your goal weight close by and look at it whenever you find yourself struggling. You might even have a good friend you can go to, to help encourage you or better yet hold you accountable. Hey, you may inspire them!
Don't be discouraged though! When you feel your motivation slipping ask yourself these questions to determine whether you just don't feel like it or you don't feel like it because your body is tired or you have low energy. Be honest!!!
Why don't I feel like working out?
Why am I really wanting that meal?
Is that really a good enough reason to not train or eat poorly today?
How will it make me feel later and will I regret it?
Will I feel better if I eat well and train...even if it's not perfect?
If you answer these questions and still decide to go off track don't beat yourself up. We all need a break sometimes and that break may be something your body is really needing. Just be sure to get back on track the following day. While you're at it, change your focus to making small, obtainable goals. Small goals will keep your morale high and you excited in your progress!